For two years, Brainfoods ran as a monthly event in London. Talks varied from a talk by a conductor including pieces of Baroque music, to a David Sedaris style monologue given by a presenter about his many varied past hair styles. We learned about the origin story of the carbon offsetting movement, about how to teach math, about working in a suicide hotline, about video ethnography, and everything in between. We tried various formats, from an evening of 10 speedy 5 minute talks, to themed discussions over dinner, and various locations, from the basement of the AfriKids office to the basement of London’s fabulous Green Note music venue. Along the way, we learned a ton, built a community, and expanded our horizons. We’re so excited to be a part of that again here, in Boulder. So check back soon and see the names and summaries of the Brainfoods Boulder talks as they happen!